Mythbusters – Ears that see

Did the Jews see thunder at Mount Sinai? By: Rabbi Ari Shishler Can you imagine what it must have been like to receive the Torah at Sinai? Close to three million Jews camped at the foot of the mountain as Moses ascended to collect G-d’s Code for Life. The presentation of the Torah was dramatic. The Torah describes raging fire on the mountainside, thick clouds over the peak, thunder, lightning, and the booming voice of the Al-mighty[1]. Sinai marked the greatest Divine revelation in history. One curious detail in the…

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Coming home

Kiruv in the 21st Century By: Paula Levin If you’re reading this sentence – it’s a miracle. It means you’re Jewish. And you know it. And you have enough connection to your roots to be enriching your knowledge about Jewish life. Maybe your children even attend a Jewish Day school and brought home this magazine. All miraculous. Two thousand years after the Jewish People were exiled from our homeland, dispersed across the globe, persecuted for centuries, and murdered in our millions, the very fact that we exist as Jews at…

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Escape from Kyiv

A dangerous getaway brought ‘designer refugees’ home to Israel By: Chandrea Serebro When you call your rabbi on Shabbat and he answers, I think it’s understandable if you are in shock. When you call him on Shabbat and he answers only to tell you he will pick you up in an hour, I think it’s time to worry. When you call him on Shabbat and he answers, only to tell you he will pick you up in an hour to flee your home, your country, and everything that you know,…

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Matan Torah

Who wants it more? By: Rabbi Dovid Samuels In his famous letter to the Jews of Yemen, guiding them how to remain steadfast and true to authentic Judaism, the Rambam reminds them of the obligation to always remember the event of the giving of the Torah at Har Sinai. He also instructed them to raise their children with the knowledge of this great event, and to relate to all communities its greatness and importance. To somewhat fulfil this charge of the Rambam, and the Torah itself[1], let us study some…

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