Baruch Hashem for my Dyslexia

How a New York rabbi made his dyslexia work for him By Ilan Preskovsky Rabbi Shaul Shimon Deutsch is a highly respected rabbi, author, and curator of the acclaimed Living Torah Museum in Brooklyn, New York (see the story “Bringing the Torah Alive” in our last issue), but it wasn’t an easy journey to become the man that he is today. His childhood years, in particular, were beset with an undiagnosed learning disorder that frustrated young Shaul Shimon to no end – a frustration that was only exacerbated by teachers…

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Mexican fiesta

Simple entertaining, so you can enjoy your time with family and friends By: Lauren Boolkin We start the new year with a new edition to Jewish Life. Lauren Boolkin is no stranger to our recipe pages, having appeared many times in the past – but this year, we’re trying something new. Lauren is our new In-House Chef and she’ll be appearing in these pages every month, sometimes with guest chefs joining her in the kitchen. We look forward to seeing what she’s got on the stove each month! It never…

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Take it from me

Making a plan of action for matric year and beyond By: Batsheva Lea Sometime during last year, another parent asked me how matric was going and I replied, “I’m finding it very stressful.” She laughed, but the reality is, the whole family does matric and it can be overwhelming. Looking back, there were a few things that we hadn’t thought of, or which we learned along the way, or even found out about just before or after a deadline. With that in mind, I decided to pen this piece to…

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Days gone by and yet to come

Matrics share their plans for the future and advice for the incoming class By Chandrea Serebro Jared Mosselson, KDL Matric What is your plan for the future? I’m going to Israel next year for a gap year and I will then decide whether or not I will make Aliyah. I want to study Law and Political Science. What is the most exciting part about leaving school? Being able to enjoy a new sense of freedom while gaining the opportunity to find yourself and do what you like. What will you…

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Should I stay or should I go…

More than just a sentiment, #imstaying has become a movement. What do the youth of today think about it? By Chandrea Serebro Leora Kuper, Matric, King David Linksfield Stay or go? Next year I am leaving South Africa to go on a gap year based in Israel. I want to grow as a person, gain experiences, and make new friends, as well as learn life lessons from the people around me. I can’t wait to use my newly found confidence, enthusiasm for life, and maturity in my endeavours in South…

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Setting goals and achieving

A programme of fathers and sons learning together gives birth to another programme that sets the bar even higher By Chandrea Serebro What better time is there for both parties than father and son time? The amount of love and inspiration and spiritual growth that comes from just hitting a ball or taking a walk is unparalleled. Now, add Torah learning into the mix, and the mountains that can be conquered are limitless. Avos U’Bonim, which literally means Fathers and Sons, is a learning mentorship programme that has been running…

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Facing our beliefs head on

Clarity, depth, and passion in Judaism By Chandrea Serebro They say that kids are like sponges, and it is very true in many ways. Take Judaism. We show them a love for it and they live it their young lives, learning all the songs in nursery school and delving deeper as they go along their school career. But, one day, they wake up as young adults, and they start to question the things they have been taught and always knew to be true. And, very often, they find that they…

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